Portrait & fine art photography

Hi, my name is


A delicate

point of view

I'm a natural light portrait and lifestyle photographer based in Amsterdam, NL. Besides documenting special moments in my clients' lives, I also dedicate time to develop personal projects inspired by classical paintings and mythology.

Using only the light from the sun and my camera, my aim is to create cinematic images filled with symbolism and emotion that resonate with those who also share a delicate point of view in life. 

Story time!

Fuelled by coffee and music, I'm a guardian to three sweet cats that came aaaall the way from Brazil to Europe with me, and I hold a special place in my heart for plants & nature.

My connection to photography goes way back to childhood, with our family camera: an old & heavy Zenith 122 that I could barely hold in my hands – and, now, that same camera is a part of my film camera collection. Personal expression through art played an important role in my teenage years, when I taught myself how to use Photoshop and found deep comfort in creating fantastic scenarios on photos I took with a very simple digital camera. Creativity took a back seat with adulthood and its demands, as I had to work diverse jobs to pay for an education – I'm a Literature & Translation Post-Grad, so I never stranded too far from art. ;)

The urge to document life and express my feelings never vanished though, as I kept photographing as a hobby and means of expression. In 2014 I moved from São Paulo to the Netherlands and had to start from zero all over again, which is never easy. Those early years were confusing yet very prolific, I took every opportunity to wander around Amsterdam taking photos and improving my technical skills.

Then, in 2018, I enrolled in a professional photography course (a dream come true, really!) and those were the most fulfilling, happy weeks I'd had in a long time. A sparkle was ignited and, since then, I've been honing my skills, studying, and building a career as a professional photographer. And here we are today!  

I’m here to help you immortalise not only the unforgettable moments in your life but also the regular days, made special with a delicate point of view and a cinematic touch.

Photography has always played an important role in my life, and I want it to play one in yours as well. Shall we begin?


Beautiful Bizarre Magazine - Dec 2021

"The Art of Embroidery" book

"The Art of Embroidery" book - Monsa Publications, 2023

"The Art of Embroidery" book - Monsa Publications, 2023

Love Embroidery Magazine - Issue #42, July 2023

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